Ravenscar Railway Tunnels
What do you pick up?
Was Very Active with Spirits of Roman Soldiers
Have you ever felt anything at the station? let me know if you have.
Hi Everyone. As I know from personal experiences, hauntings can be a very fearful and scary time in the home, and even more so if you have never experienced one before.
Don't be scared to contact us as we are here for you to help in any way to make such a problem go away.
At N.Y.P.I. we have dedicated and different skilled team members making us able to solve cases easier.
If you have thought about calling but feel nervous, "Don't Be" as we are here to believe you. Rest assured there will be no doubting your story.
And we are available 24 hours a day for advice.
Use the Contact Form and let's get your problem solved.
Best Wishes CJ
The Team are investigating Ribblesdale Viaduct in the near future
The Lead Church at Towton Battlefield.
Tracy Lee, Rob Lee & CJ Myers
What's your opinion guys? comment via our enquiry page and you could win a place on an investigation with the Team.
Thanks CJ Team Leader.
Check out our video footage on the Video link in the navigation bar
Relaxing with a beer in my bar.
its not all work and no play.
Staying in touch with our followers never stops even though were 1000 miles away
were still on social media.
CJ Myers - Team Leader
Wheeldale Moor Shooting Hut
( Pinkney's Mountain Bothy )
.A message from The Team Leader
Check out our Latest plans for the Team by visiting our Upcoming Events Link above.
The Crown Inn
Sleeping on the docks until our early morning crossing to Orkney.
We were invited to attend a mediumship night at this adorable Inn.
After we got some equipment out because as soon as The Team arrived we were picking up on many spirits in the entrance and the function room of the Pub.
We were given a lovely welcome and shown around the beautiful 300 plus year old building.
The cellar was really active and the stairs to the rooms were full of smells and spirit all in all a fabulous time had on a nice little impromptu investigation.
here are some photo's we've included for your viewing and if you see anything don't hesitate to get back to us at N.Y.P.I. contact page. Thank you to Jo Mayburn and the
Staff of The Crown Inn Lofthouse for their hospitality. Thanks CJ Team leader.
Cattal Railway Station
York to Leeds Line
New Arrivals to the Team which have started their probationary training with N.Y.P.I , Lets welcome them to our family and hope they enjoy their time with us.
call us @07771766694
What do you pick up from this photograph?
N.Y.P.I Paranormal School
can enhance your skills
Check out our link!
During Paranormal Investigations, you sometimes have to rough it as well as glam it. You can't beat Van City!
John O Groats
Cattal opened in 1848 and has been a thriving quaint little station on the York to Leeds line via Harrogate.
For Months I travelled on this route commuting to work everyday and when approaching the platform I always had spirit wanting to communicate with me,
But because of the train not staying there long I subsequently never got chance to Investigate there.
Out With Team Members
Sharren Pankhurst Cherry
Paranormal Investigator
Team Christmas Party In York
Send us your Photographs of spirits or captures on investigations and we will
put them on the website gallery.
Thanks CJ.